HIV/AIDS poses a huge challenge to the developmental gains achieved in the past few decades. Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs) and HIV are closely interlinked and therefore, there is a need to develop comprehensive response that deals with all the aspects of STIs and HIV. This calls for the need of skilled human resources working to prevent, control and treat STIs and HIV. The number of skilled professionals needed are large while matching training programs to strengthen the skills are adhoc or inadequate. The course in STI & HIV/AIDS intends to fill up the existing gap by building capacity of variety of professionals ranging from medical doctors, nurses, counsellors, health educators, trainers, consultants, social workers, program managers, faculty of health-related ins tuition, researchers to policy makers, by providing necessary training to acquire knowledge, skills and attitude for the prevention and control of STI and HIV/AIDS.
Aims & Objectives
The course aims to equip the professionals working in or intending to work with STI and HIV/ AIDS prevention, control and/ or treatment programs with enhanced knowledge, necessary skills and attitude to provide services, implement programs and conduct training & research in STI and HIV/ AIDS.
Course Design and Duration
The course is designed for a period of six months through eLearning using computer based online program. The online lectures will be complemented with printed study modules.Eligibility Criteria
The course welcomes eligible candidates with following criteria: Applicants should have a graduate / post-graduate degree in medicine, AYUSH, dental, nursing, pharmacy, health sciences, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, natural / life sciences, management, social sciences, social work or any equivalent qualification. Applicants with work experience in health/ development sector. Applicants currently engaged in STI and/ or HIV/ AIDS programs, research or trainings in health systems or NGOs. Applicants with relevant qualification who have an interest to work in STI and HIV but do not have relevant work experience.
Course Content
This course will provide inter-professional, multidisciplinary, program management-led certificate that meets the needs of students working in a range of disciplines related to sexual health and STIs / HIV, including public health professionals, medical doctors, nurses, counsellors, educators and program managers. This course will explore the social, public health and medical aspects of HIV and common sexually transmissible infections. Emphasis will be placed on the way in which they impact on society, present to clinical services, and can be prevented and effectively managed. Students will develop an awareness of all aspects of sexual health, including the importance of multidisciplinary approaches and the sexual rights of all individuals. The potential geographic, societal, cultural and political challenges faced in the delivery of effective health care for sexual health, STIs and HIV will be discussed. The program will be strongly research-led and provide the student with an understanding of the importance of evidenced-based practice. Broadly, the course will cover introduction to Sexual health, Epidemiology of STIs and HIV, essential biological and clinical aspects of STIs and HIV, Public Health aspects of STIs and HIV, and Health Promotion, Legal, Policy and Advocacy strategies, Program Management and Monitoring and Evaluation. These will be discussed with a focus on STIs and HIV epidemic in India and will cover the national response to STIs and HIV.
Teaching and Training Methodology
The eLearning course will employ a blended online teaching/learning methodology. This methodology comprises fortnightly virtual lectures, interactive online computer-based sessions and online assessments. The learning opportunity and pedagogic structures provide an environment where students across various professional backgrounds come together to solve complex problems in a cross-disciplinary team environment.
The students will be evaluated on three components
- Online Examinations
- Assignments
- Participation in online discussions
At the end of three months and six months, respectively, online examination in the form of multiple choice questions (MCQ) will be held. Additionally, students will be required to submit one assignment upon completion of six months of teaching sessions. The assignment will be given to the students before completing last module and the students will have to upload their assignment online. The students will be expected to participate in discussions related to bio- medical and program aspects of STI and HIV on discussion- board. They will also be expected to participate in interactive sessions at the end of each module.

Course Coordinator:
Program Officer:
- Duration: 6 Months
- Brochure: Download
- Program Fee: Indian: 18000 INR , South Asian Candidates
: SAARC states "Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka".300 USD , Other International Candidates: 600 USD
- + 91-124-4781400/ +91-124-4722900 ext.4246