eCourse on Intellectual Property Rights is a three-month eLearning program designed to cover basics of Intellectual property rights includes various types of Intellectual Properties nationally and globally. The course has been developed by Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar.
Background: eCourse on Intellectual Property Rights is a three-month eLearning program designed to cover basics of Intellectual property rights includes various types of Intellectual Properties nationally and globally. The course has been developed by Indian Instituteof Public Health Gandhinagar (IIPHG). It will be delivered by a multidisciplinary team from IIPHG and experts in the field.
Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce which can be protected by patent, design, copyright, trademark and many more. Intellectual property protection is critical to fostering innovation. Without protection of ideas, businesses and individuals would not reap the full benefits of their inventions and would focus less on research and development. Piracy, counterfeiting and the theft of intellectual property assets pose a serious threat to all businesses. Therefore, various IP protection laws and rules have been enforced for protection of innovation and invention from the public use without owner’s concern.
Aim and purpose: It is structured in a manner with an aim to foster the discussions on criteria, filing process, timeline and various jurisdictions with the case-study based learning to understand the actual scenario towards Intellectual Property Rights. Broadly, it will help participants to:
• Understand the various type of IPs with intricacies of grant of Patent, Patentability, and Licensing at National and International levels.
• Acquire Sound Knowledge & Skills related to IPR to Support and Harness Innovation & Start-ups.
• Provide an understanding of the law relating to Intellectual Property and Competition in India and Globally.
• Entrepreneurs can learn how to transform their game-changing products and services into quantifiable market value and combat competition by understanding Intellectual Property Law.
List of modules:
1. Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights, Industrial Design, Trademark, Copyright,
2. Innovation & Patent
3. Prior Art Searching & Novelty Search Report
4. Geographical Indications (GI)
5. Trade Secrets, Plant Varieties, and Semiconductor Integrated Circuits.
6. PCT filing / International IP filing system.
7. IP Strategies for Start-ups.
8. Non-Patentable Inventions in India.
Evaluation/Assessment: Evaluation and assessment of the course will be online based multiple- choice questions, written assignments/proposal

Target Audience/Eligible Candidates: Entrepreneurs, IP Analyst, Patent Engineers, Research Analyst, Business Head, Researchers, Consultants, Corporate organizations and students of various streams, innovators and start-up firms who want to learn Intellectual Property Rights.
Course Coordinator:
Program Officer:
- Starts: 15 Aug, 2021
- Last date for applying: 15 Aug, 2021
- Duration: 3 Months
- Brochure: Download
- Program Fee: Indian: 9000 INR , South Asian Candidates
: SAARC states "Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka".140 USD , Other International Candidates: 330 USD
- 079-66740700