Undernutrition has been associated with under-5 mortality and morbidity in developing countries, thus preventing children from reaching their full potential. Additionally, undernutrition among mothers during pregnancy, a prevalent scourge, further increases the burden. Therefore strategies for prevention of maternal, infant and young child undernutrition are a worthwhile long-term investment that would benefit not only children and their families, but also the country as a whole.
A critical component towards improving undernutrition is practicing optimal MIYCAN (Maternal, Infant and Young Child and Adolescent Nutrition). It is important to build capacities of healthcare workers, medical undergraduate and postgraduate students, nursing staff, and those working in the field of public health nutrition to sensitize them towards the importance of MIYCAN, with specific emphasis on breastfeeding, complementary feeding and maternal nutrition, along with effective integration of counselling in service delivery. With this objective, IIPH Delhi has collaborated with IPE Global and Alive & Thrive to launch an eLearning program on MIYCAN which would aid in building capacities in this area of public health.
Access to healthcare for persons with disabilities (PWD)is not a niche issue. It is the fundamental right for people with disabilities, embedded in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and in the laws of most countries including India. The issue is also a critical one in this Sustainable Development Goals
This course aims to sensitize members of ethics committees, researchers and students on the ethical principles of research ethics in humans, essentially in the context of public health research and implementation trials. Real time situations and examples of challenging situations which are common in every day research and practice can be viewed through suggested links of videos. Much of the course will be taught using a case method approach and participants will have an opportunity to work through a number of ethical dilemmas in a variety of situations. The focus of this course would be more related to public health research and implementation research.
New ! - “Covid related ICMR ethics guidelines; ICMR _SOPs for Ethics review during Covid Pandemic, WHOs- Ethics acceptability of Covid-19 human challenge studies.
eCourse in Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis is a three-month eLearning program designed to cover all aspect of systematic review and meta-analysis and will provide participants with hands-on experience with the software and practical aspect of the subject. The course has been developed by Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar.
eCourse on Clinical Validation of Products for Entrepreneurs and Start Ups is a three-month eLearning program designed to cover basics of epidemiology and various epidemiological studies for product validation. The course has been developed by Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar (IIPHG).
Background: eCourse on
eCourse on Intellectual Property Rights is a three-month eLearning program designed to cover basics of Intellectual property rights includes various types of Intellectual Properties nationally and globally. The course has been developed by Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar.
Background: eCourse on Intellectual
Policymakers, program staff and researchers face many questions related to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of public health programs in developing countries. M&E skills provide answers to these questions and are crucial to the successful design, implementation, and tracking of program progress and impact of public health programs. The eCourse on Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programs aims to strengthen the capacity of public health professionals actively engaged in the health sector. This course is designed for global health professionals to develop core competencies to design and implement M&E activities in both government & non- government sectors.